As my few remaining friends will no doubt testify, I’m quite a competitive creature, which is why news of a challenger to my potential 100-book crown excites me.
It’s strange how things work. Readers may remember that in my first blog, I mentioned how it was a Friend Of The Wench who had first introduced the kernel of the idea from which this blog blossomed. Now he’s back, and after learning of the existence of these very pages, he’s been inspired to try, try, try again and go one better – well, six better, really – in a bid to read a century of books in one year.
You can read his blog here.
His late start means I already have an edge – not that I’m competitive or anything, you understand? – so I’m four books ahead at this stage, if already behind my overall schedule if I’m to finish an entire century.
No matter. Let literature be the winner, and all that…
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