The mathematics of this entire enterprise are quite simple. 100 books in one year, or 8.33 books per month, or one book every 3.65 days. Given there are three more days before the end of March, that therefore means I'm unlikely to get one more book under my belt before then.
Four books behind schedule means I will be almost 15 days, or half a month, short of my latest deadline - not that I'm counting, you understand?
So what can be done? Well, I could probably start with reading some more rather than writing blogs such as these. But one thing I've ruled out is reading shorter or less challenging books. After all, completing the challenge was always a personal mission, with no recriminations or punishments in the event of potential failure.
And given my workload, I’m not doing too bad, considering. The key progress assessment will be at the end of July when, after a long summer, I will indeed be in trouble if I am not ahead of or bang on schedule. We shall see.
I completely agree with not specifically picking out shorter books, but by the same token, don't not read a particular book just because it is shorter.