Tuesday, 13 August 2013

The blog is back

My name is Matt Wright and it's been two years, seven months and five days since I last blogged.

I suppose the immediate question is 'why?', and I'm afraid that an escalating workload is the mundane response.

Without wishing to shine too strong a light on personal matters, it's been a difficult many months, and now I find myself with some time on my hands and an ever-burning desire to keep writing something, anything, I suppose it's natural that I have returned to this blog.

I should point out that I did indeed read the 100th book of the one-year challenge (it was Catcher in the Rye) in early January 2011, and I have continued to read over the intervening months and years, but I never felt the urge to commit any thoughts to screen, partly due to the time involved.

Now though, the library is my oyster - or something like that.

I've mentioned previously (if you've forgotten, that's completely understandable, so check out the links to the right) how books can lift your spirits. So in that vein, I'm returning with a couple of tales/links I've come across in recent months.

The first couple are heart-warming stories of how art, once created, can take on a life of its own - Mind the Gap  and The Best Author Letter Ever.

This, meanwhile, is a terrific obituary of the sort that is rarely written in modern times where the hagiography generally rules - Hypocrite.

So, the blog is back. I've updated the 1-100 list, including links, and I do intend to go back and blog the books I passed over on as part of the challenge, if not those I've read in the meantime. But because you can't live in the past, I'm keen to read and post some new stuff, too.

I'm looking forward to it.

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