However, I don’t want to give the impression that such a mark is an outright impossibility, and I was reminded of this when I embarked on Juliet, Naked, by Nick Hornby, whose first book, Fever Pitch, would probably have received a 10/10 rating had I read it as part of this challenge. It’s a magnificent piece of work.
Juliet, Naked is very enjoyable, without reaching the quality of Fever Pitch. As always, Hornby writes with humour about relationships – this time between a man obsessed with a reclusive American musician and his partner – and there are numerous laugh-out-loud moments and some wonderful observations.
But while the plot held my attention, and the career of musician Tucker Crowe and the ramifications of fame and fan obsession had a real ring of authenticity, I never really committed myself to the characters or their motivations.
In conclusion, then, not Hornby’s finest. But then he set a very high standard in the first place.
So, rating time:
#28 Juliet, Naked, by Nick Hornby (Penguin Group) - 7/10
Next up: How to Paint a Dead Man, by Sarah Hall (Faber and Faber Limited)
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